Monday, July 13, 2009

The Recipient is Pleased !!

It's a secret no more!!
My Sister-in-Law, JuJu recieved
her Birthday gift only a few days
late, pretty good for a hand-knitted
garment, I'd say :)

Here is a pic of the shawl with sleeves

as it is blocking.

It was very fun to make and I had all my knitting friends

jealous. The wrap part had several rows that you would

purposely drop and let them unravel....that was fun.

I love how I could sit down and have the long front part

cover my legs like a blanket. It would be very nice to have one of these for my very own!!!

It could happen some day. But after having all that wool on my lap, I am ready to knit

something small, like maybe a pair of socks. Perfect summer knitting, they stuff into any

little ole purse and out the door you are with your knitting, never a dull wasted minute!

I can be a very silly model...


I am including a few odd angle photos that I took.
This is my favorite chime
it is very big and heavy
so the tone is quite low.

This is the sunset thru my

This poor thing has taken
a tumble several times due
to the wild wind devils we
experience out here in the
boonies !!!
This cute little license plate is hanging in my craft room
window for all to see. It speaks the truth.

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